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Auyuittuq Lodge - Inns North
Phone: 867-473-8955
Fax: 867-473-8611
Hotel & Restaurant

Hannah’s Homestay
Phone: 867-473-8834
Bed & Breakfast

Pangnirtung Fiordview
Phone: 867-473-8039
Bed & Breakfast

Territorial Campground

The territorial government constructed a campground for Pangnirtung visitors. The campground consists of 2 outhouses, 12 wooden shelter platforms for tents (Pangnirtung is notorious for its strong winds), 2 campground tables, and fireplaces with barbecue grills. It is situated just outside the municipalities' boundary along the scenic Duval River. A $5.00 fee per day must be paid to the Angmarlik Visitor Centre for visitors who wish to stay at the campground.